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Interior Designers Should Be More Concerned About Pleasing You, Not Just Getting Finished
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Hiring an interior designer can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience for any homeowner. You're trusting someone to turn your home into the vision that you've always had, and it can be intimidating to give someone else control over such a personal space. However, it's important that you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process, as this entire project is about you and your wants and needs. Unfortunately, some interior designers become more concerned with showcasing their work than pleasing their clients. But fear not! In this blog post, we'll discuss why interior designers should prioritize pleasing you over getting finished project pictures.

Your vision is the most important thing

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As previously mentioned, your home is a personal space, and it's essential that it reflects your style, personality, and needs. An interior designer's job is to help bring your vision to life, not to impose their own preferences or ideas. While it's perfectly normal to consult with a designer for inspiration and guidance, it's important that you feel like your opinion is heard and valued throughout the entire process. If you feel like your designer isn't prioritizing your vision, it's time to speak up and make your needs known.

You have to live with it, not them

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While interior designers may come and go, your living space is something you'll have to live in every day. It's essential that you feel comfortable and happy with the finished product, not just the designer's satisfaction. It's important to remember that you're the one who will have to see and use the space every day. If you feel like your designer is pushing you in a direction that doesn't feel right for you, it's important to speak up and express your concerns.

Pushback is okay

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It's essential to remember that as the homeowner, you have the final say on everything. And if your designer isn't responding to what you want and need for your space, it's okay to push back. Don't let a designer bully you into anything that doesn't feel right or comfortable for you and your family. A good designer will work with you to find a solution that makes everyone happy, not just themselves.

Open Communication is Key

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One of the most important things to prioritize when working with an interior designer is open communication. It's essential that you feel comfortable expressing your wants and needs, and that your designer is receptive and responsive to your feedback. If you're having a hard time articulating what you want, don't be afraid to show your designer pictures, magazine clippings, or examples. A good designer will listen to your needs and will work with you to create the perfect design that will make you happy.

Trust is a Two-Way Street

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Finally, it's essential to remember that trust is a two-way street. It's important to trust your designer's expertise and experience but, it's equally important for them to trust your taste and preferences. A good designer will work with you to incorporate your ideas into their design, and will value your opinion throughout the entire process. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you feel happy and satisfied with the end result.

In conclusion, interior designers should prioritize being aesthetically pleasing to their clients over showcasing their work. Remember that your home is your personal space, and it's essential that it reflects your personality and style. Don’t feel pushed around. Speak up and articulate what you envision for your space, communicate your thoughts, push back when you need to, and ensure that a designer trusts your opinion and taste. At the end of the day, your satisfaction is what matters most.

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